Welcome to Brian Masse


March 11, 2022




OTTAWA –Windsor West MP Brian Masse was re-elected as Vice-Chair to the Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group Thursday at the Group’s Annual General Meeting for the ninth time since 2006. He is honoured to represent Canada in the United States in this capacity and to continue his work with leaders on both sides of the Canada-United States border to advance issues of concern.


“I am grateful to my colleagues of all parties, and in both houses of Parliament, who I enjoy working with and advancing binational matters.  I look forward to working on issues critical to my community, and all of Canada and the United States, where we rely heavily on one another in trade, employment, tourism and many other facets of everyday life,” stated Masse. “Most importantly, we have this bipartisan Committee operating to ensure that Canadians’ voices are heard in the United States and theirs here in Canada.  This solidifies our great relationship and I’m proud to be a part of strengthening those ties,” said Masse.


Masse has been a member of the Group since 2004.


The Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group aims to find points of convergence in respective national policies, to initiate dialogue on points of divergence, to encourage the exchange of information, and to promote better understanding among legislators on shared issues of concern. Additional information on the Group can be found at: Home – Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group (CEUS) – Parliamentary Associations – Interparliamentary Activities – Diplomacy – Parliament of Canada



For further information, please contact:

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