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The Speaker: The honourable member for Windsor West.

Brian Masse (NDP): Unlawful blockades across the country at borders including Windsor and Coutts have shown that the liberals have not done the proper work necessary to ensure that our borders are protected and the citizens that live nearby are safe. These illegal blockades have hurt every Canadian by hurting thousands from getting to work and supporting their families. We’ve been detailing calling for a safe border task force and made sure that municipalities are reinstated for the cost. Will the prime minister listen to our calls and make sure that safe borders will happen or listen to the extremists, the bridge is open now but the threat has not stopped. Will he act?

The Speaker: The honourable minister.

Marco Mendicino (LPC): Mr. Speaker, I share my honourable colleague’s concern and I can inform to the house that I’ve been in routine contact with him and the municipal leaders in Windsor, including the mayor of Windsor. I assured him that the government will continue to provide all resources that the community of Windsor need to keep that bridge open. That means making sure that the people have the assets they need. The tow trucks, be it barriers, whatever resources to keep the economy rolling and Canadians back to work.

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