June 24, 2021
OTTAWA – Earlier this week, Windsor West NDP MP Brian Masse re-introduced three private members bills to ensure that the priorities of the residents of Windsor West are voiced.
Masse first introduced Bill C-320, An Act to amend the Textile Labelling Act (animal skin, hair and fur). This bill was initially introduced in the House of Commons by Masse in 2011 and public support to pass this legislation remains strong. He said, “As a consumer, the individual should be aware when they are purchasing dog or cat fur in clothes or children’s toys. This would bring us on par, at least, to have this awareness because right now over two million dogs and cats are slaughtered each year and [their fur is] used in products across Canada and different sources.”
His second bill, Bill C-321, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (tax credit for gifts) would increase the tax credit for charitable giving to the levels currently set for political donations up to $1625. Masse stated, “ I will just say that this is very important, because right now we know, with COVID-19, those organizations have been really challenged. This would allow our donations to charities to replicate those to political parties. They would be capped, so there would not be an endless stream of money that we can get back, allowing for fairness for all Canadians.”
Finally, Masse introduced Bill C-322, An Act to amend the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Community Benefit). Important for communities like Windsor with major federal infrastructure projects in the works, this bill effectively allows communities to capitalize on federal funds to ensure that the impact of the project is lessened on the community bearing the brunt of the construction work and long-term changes from the project.
“We finally got some community benefits to help Sandwich Town, but unfortunately it is not in legislation. As I mentioned, Bill C-277 was passed in the chamber but was held up in the Senate. I would suggest this is a good opportunity to restore that work and provide community benefits for infrastructure projects, so that we can actually help. Often, there is money that goes toward employment for youth, for issues related to the environment and also specific regional things,” claimed Masse.
House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota also commended Masse on his presentation. The video for reintroduction is available at:
Moving forward, Masse will be focused on moving forward on the Ojibway National Urban Park project which has seen extensive support within the community. The Government committed funds in their last Speech from the Throne to ensure Urban Parks and parks funding is prioritized. “We have a real opportunity here to move this plan to fruition,” Masse said. “Let’s not waste this opportunity and I look forward to working with all stakeholders to protect the Ojibway area for the long-term for our residents and Canadians alike.”
Masse is also committed to working towards adopting the NDP Telecom Plan with price regulation and a national broadband plan for affordable and accessible wireless and internet service for all Canadians. Changes to the Competition Act to ensure that wage-fixing and anti-labour actions are included areas of investigation and reason for fines, penalties and reasons to block mergers and takeovers and to institute corrective actions.
Further, action on a National Electric Automotive Policy to protect Canada from further losses in electric vehicle production and to “electrify” the supply chain. An automotive policy needs to protect the current workers and manufacturing and commit to the future of automotive production in Windsor and Canada.
Lastly, the Great Lakes have been neglected by the Trudeau Liberals and need to be made a priority. As the Great Lakes Critic and on the Canada-US Inter-Parliamentary Group, we have committed to elevating the needs of the Great Lakes to the Government and working with our American counterparts to protect the health of these lakes for the long-term.
Form more information contact: Mohummed Peer 519-982-8816 or Melanie Namespetra 613-996-1541